What to expect during Worship Services
Sunday morning worship is the center of our life together. Each Sunday morning, at 10:00 am, we offer vibrant worship that speaks to our hearts as well as our minds, with preaching that connects scripture to our lives and the world in which we live today.
Our Sunday morning worship bulletin is user-friendly with all responses and prayers printed in the bulletin, along with directions on when to stand, for those who are able or wish to. This enables first-time worshipers to feel at ease during our worship. For those with hearing difficulties, special amplified headsets are available -- just ask any Church Member.
Children are welcome. On Sundays with Sunday School, children will spend the first fifteen minutes of the service in worship with their parents. The “Children's Message” is a special time when the pastor speaks directly to the children. At the end of the message, children ages 2 through High School depart worship for Sunday School.
Infants are welcome during service. Rocking chairs are provided at back of the Sanctuary as needed.
Communion is received on the first Sunday of each month. Our Communion table is open to all; we encourage everyone to join in the partaking of bread and the cup. For our services, grape juice is used, but water is also provided for those sensitive to sugar. For the bread, both regular and gluten-free crackers are available.
Coffee Hour
Worship & Sunday School is followed by Coffee & Fellowship in the Parish Hall or (weather permitting) on the front lawn.
We have no dress code, so please come as you are. While some parishioners enjoy putting on their “Sunday best”, others prefer jeans. Please dress in what makes you comfortable.