We continue to work over the Summer to prepare for our “new normal” opening for The Chapel School. We are writing our reopening guidelines which we will soon submit to the State for approval.
We hope to open on time in September and be ready to welcome the children. Many changes will be in place to keep us all safe and within our reopening plan. Parents will not be allowed to enter the building. A check in station will be set up at the door to check in children, ask parents select questions regarding their child’s health and family health before being escorted to their classroom. Arrival and Dismissal Times will be staggered to allow more time for the one on one morning check in procedure and social distancing dismissal. Parents will need to be patient with these new procedures to stay 6 feet apart and ensure that everyone stays safe.
Roberta and I have already begun purchasing the necessary protective supplies that we will need to stay safe including masks, shields, cleaner, protective covering for our clothes and gloves.
The biggest change will be the reduced class sizes. We will only be allowed 10 children in each classroom reduced from 20. The ratios will allow for social distancing in the classroom but will cut our enrollment by half. This will be the hardest guideline as it will greatly reduce our tuition income. We are hopeful that as the school year proceeds and the state stays in the safe zone, they may increase the enrollment capacity.
Child Care centers across the state are all trying to navigate these new restrictions and protocols to stay open and keep a clean, safe and healthy environment. The centers that have already opened for the Summer will be the test ground as to what is working and what needs to change.
We may see more changes and revised guidelines as we continue to move forward. I continue to have Zoom meetings with the Director’s group from the North Shore region once a month. We offer each other support and guidance on many topics including staffing, policies, classroom management and resources, supplies, cleaning and more. No topic is off limits. The facilitator from North Shore Community College is wonderful and reports back to Early Education and Care to voice our questions and concerns. It does take a village.
We are anxious to welcome our little ones back to Chapel and our committed to providing a safe and healthy school for them to learn and grow in.
Keep us in your thoughts!!
Cindy Mazella, Director